
Ahchoo round 2

To catch everyone up,  Emma and Jack were sick.  (see Ahchoo)  Saturday the 23 Emma had croup and we spent saturday in the Dr's office. Yipee.  Both Jack and  Emma returned to school and then .....
(SNIFF, sniff, sniff...)  Surprising as this may sound Thursday morning Mark came down with a fever.  Just to make it fair, I took him to get a strep test (and a flu shot).  No strep!  YEAH!! However, he has a nasty cough and is allergic to most over the counter cough syrups. (yeah.) Mark was given a new cough medicine, which is unfortunately not working. (Cough, cough) Round the clock cold medicine and cough drops, as well as the occasional vitamin C and herbal tea (when I can coax him). His fever has subsided (thankfully) and we are improving ever so slowly.   Emma has been complaining of an ear ache since Saturday evening.  Since, we were out of town for the weekend, we have been treating it with decongestants and warm compresses.  No new, fevers so maybe it has cleared it's self up.  Time will tell.  Knock on wood, Jack is still well.  By the look in this picture I think Ginger is feeling a little ill...

John and I have been adamantly refusing to get sick.  Despite the scratchy throats and slight warmth we are feeling, we are NOT sick.  We are only empathizing with our children.  We don't have time to get sick.  period.

1 comment:

Jessica Huber said...

Ginger is like our rat Charlie all snuggled up like that. So cute. Is she a boxer?