
Mr. Bones

Mr. Bones is the name of a Halloween skeleton we have.  He is about 5 feet tall, is two dimensional and has pivotal joints.  My kids are fascinated by skeletons.  We actually have 3 which they enjoy playing with during Halloween season.  Mr. Bones being the largest is naturally the most fun.  I am always slightly shocked when I walk into a room and Mr. Bones has changed positions.  I find my self thinking, "Did he look like that earlier?"  Mr. Bones has even been known to cheer for  Ohio State proudly  displaying the O-H-I-O with his arms.  I thought I would share some of the newest positions in which I have discovered Mr. Bones.

Mr. Bones the contortionist..

Mr. Bones doing his yoga.

Well, this one is self explanatory.

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