

It's over.

With the dawn this morning, Spring Break officially ended.  And If I had any doubts they were dispelled this morning as the back to school routine was in full swing. Here are a few revelations I had this morning.

You know Spring break is over when...

You hit the snooze button for 30 minutes before getting up.

The dog decides to sleep in. Even though she woke you at 5:30 a.m. everyday over break.

Your pre-teen daughter starts fighting with you at 6:50 because she "has nothing to wear." and quite obviously it is your fault.

Your oldest son suddenly has a desire to shower, at length, while his younger brother pounds on the door screaming, "Hurry Up! I need to brush my teeth"

No one is capable of locating their right shoe.

We have no chips, pretzels, cheese crackers, peanut butter crackers or anything "lunch worthy" to pack because it was all consumed while they were home.  Once again my fault.

It is 8:30 am.  I am enjoying this cloud free morning, peace and quite, and one great cup of coffee.

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