

Quilting Rut

Monday, after recovering from Spring Break, I was noticeably restless.  I wandered from room to room searching, for something.  Unsure of what I wanted, I made a second pot of coffee, did some laundry and arranged my sewing room.  I glanced over a t-shirt quilt project that I have been working on off-and-on for months, then left the room feeling unsatisfied.  It wasn't until after lunch.  While in the midst of cleaning my bathroom floor that it dawned on me.  I am cleaning, rather than quilting!  What is up with that!  I actually preferred to be cleaning, seriously? But why?

After a little soul searching and another clean bathroom, I realized I was stuck.  Stuck in a quilting rut.  I had multiple projects started, but none of them that I wanted to work on.  I had finished up multiple projects for my sister's baby shower just weeks before, and now I needed a new project.  I wanted to start something new not work on the same old projects.  Then it dawned on me, I realized I have UFO (unfinished object) guilt.  For some unknown reason I felt like I couldn't start a new quilt until one of the others projects was finished. I am not sure why I felt quilt guilt?  I don't typically subscribe to that way of thinking.  I am more of a multi-quilt-project type of girl.  Whatever the reason, I realized I so needed to get over it! I packed up the t-shirt quilt and dug out a new pattern and fabric.  What a difference!

Take a look at these beautiful colors I picked out for my wheel quilt.  Yet, another pattern from my curves class.   Putting the t-shirt quilt away and taking out all of these bright and beautiful colors has inspired my creativity!  I am off and running on an new quilt!  Good thing I just cleaned the bathrooms.  I won't be getting back to housework anytime soon! Happy Quilting.

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