

A Break?

This week has been filled with travel, candy, children, candy and spring. (did I mention Candy?)  The Easter bunny was good to the children but their Grandparents were better.  The best gift I think was Easter with their cousins.  They giggled, played, argued, made up and on it went the entire weekend.  They had a blast.

 After a short stop in Ohio last weekend we spent the remainder of spring break her at home.  John had to work so the kids and I were on our own for entertainment. The weather was unexpectedly cool, reaching highs only in the mid-upper 60's, the beach was a no go.

With kids who love the outdoors entertaining them is usually pretty easy.  As they have gotten bigger our outdoor projects have got bigger and bigger.  This year was no exception.  We spent Tue/ Wed at the Hardware Store and the Nursery, collecting supplies and planning.

Tuesday we finished off the day building our raised garden, excuse me "Emma's raised Garden" She is very specific about her garden.  We turned the compost, dug out some of the richest soil in South Carolina to fill out her raised bed with. Wed she meticulously picked out plants for her garden which included tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, onions, basil, rosemary, and beans.  She is very excited.

Wednesday we also edged around all the beds in the backyard, in anticipation for the 9 yards of mulch we received on Thursday. Well, I bet you know what we did Thursday!   Mulch, mulch and more mulch.

Tomorrow is the kids last day of Spring Break, then mom can take her "break."

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