

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy, Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope where ever you are you are having better weather than we are in South Carolina!  After months of calm cool spring like temperatures, this week started out with a morning of 22 degrees.  I was quite surprised to walk out yesterday morning to find that my sprinklers had gone off and everything was covered in a coating of ice.  I fear today will be no better.  The sky is overcast and gray.  While temperatures are hovering around 44 degrees it is hardly spring-like.  I guess it is a good day to cuddle up with the ones you love and nibble on some comfort food.

This weekend I worked a little more on this flower quilt.  After a week long debate with myself over adding a border verses not adding a border,  I went ahead and added this green border.  My reasons for doing so were 2 fold.  One, I thought the green added a 'stem' like appearance to the flowers.  Two, a much more practical reason, was that I need the fabric for sewing the centers onto the edge flowers.

The border is 6 inches wide making the quilt just over 40 inches in circumference. Can one use circumference in reference to a hexagon?    

Saturday I received this yummy Robert Kaufman flannel in the mail.  That was the only  motivation I needed to get this quilt done!  I quilted an all over flower and leaf pattern that I felt complimented the quilt beautifully. Now I cannot decide if I should round the points a little.  There is something about the points that make the quilt a bit rougher than I would like.  I think rounding the corners would give it a softer look.  After that it is on to...... Bias Binding.

This weekend I also finished up this contemporary Christmas Pillow, yet another gorgeous project from  the Curves Class I am taking this month.  I have had these Christmas prints for the last 2 or 3 years.  I like the fact that they are Christmas themed but not overly so.  

I couldn't decide what background to use for my curves so I did what ever I do when I am confronted with a problem that needs a new perspective..I asked my kids. On occasion, I get confined by my preconceived ideas and I need someone who is willing to think outside of the box.  My kids are great at that.  (well a couple of them are)  Usually when I bring them a project that I am stuck with, they are the ones who are inspiring me to change it up.  That was the case in this project.  My kids said, "Mom, it looks like snow is falling over those hills!"  An indeed it did!  After that they started asking me really, really good questions.  And together we came up with this great final project!  I think they were tickled that I had asked them for help with my homework! LOL.

I decided to change up the pillow even further by adding a four button closure instead of a zipper.  I think the back turned out just as pretty as the front.  

1 comment:

  1. Yes, the back IS beautiful! Your kids are exactly right about the snow falling on hills. The blue background was perfect!
