

Caution Curves Ahead

Typically, I don't subscribe to the notion of coincidence.  Things happen for a reason.  The older I get the clearer that pattern becomes. I'll admit, here are occasions where the pattern doesn't reveille itself until I am well into the pattern.  By then usually something smacks me upside the head so severely that I am aware of the pattern instantly.  "Okay, okay I get it!"

As I have posted I have been taking a curves class online from Stitched in Color.  Curves are not something new to me.  I have sewn them in the past and find them enjoyable.  I love to learn new ways of seeing the world and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity.

As I work with curves I am finding myself drawn to other ways I could use them.  I did settle on rounding the corners for the baby flower quilt.  Boy does It look ADORABLE!  I cannot wait to get the flower centers sewn on.
Flower Baby Quilt

But wait!  The curves keep coming.  Here is a flower quilt I am quilting for a USC student. She is making this quilt for her Senior Honor's Thesis. (impressed?) She embroidered the names of women who she felt help change the mold for women in the last century.(eg.  Rosa Parks, Madonna, Mother Teresa  and others)  She mentioned something about choosing women who were non-tradional and placing them on a quilt,( traditionally thought of as for women only) thereby merging the 2 halves. (Ah.  The young collegiate mind.)  Look More Curves!  How could that be?
Flower quilt

I tried to make the quilting subtle.  She really wants her flower to stand out.  I left the petals unquilted. Not sure if this was a wise move however, I think it does make the petals look more three dimensional.  I used a matching thread on the background to quilt leaves and vines.
Back of Flower quilt

Vine and Leaf design

Today the biggest curve of all hit me full force at 6:50 am.  I was driving my oldest to school when I realized that the reason I was taking him this early was so he could take the written portion of the drivers test.  When did that happen?  Wasn't he just a toddler?  How can he be driving?  He certainly isn't old enough to get his license because I cannot be old enough to be his mother!

Curves. Watch out!  The are everywhere.

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