

Curvy Cards

Another project from my curves class.  I am absolutely enjoying this class!  This was the only project I had time to get underway this week. Perhaps this weekend I can get to one of the others. HA!  Hey, a girl can dream right?

This was a wonderfully simple, fast and freeing project.  I love just randomly, well sort of randomly, picking out fabrics, drawing improv curves and sewing.  Very little planning, which is great when you have very little time.

I picked a bright and cheery color, yellow, as the primary theme.  It has been overcast here for a few days and the grey is getting tedious.  I needed a POP of color to help me through the dull.  This was just the ticket.

This project turned out so well I think I am going to have to whip up a bunch more.  Just think how handy it will be to have packages of cards made up for gift giving. I am sure this will make a great end of the year teacher gift!

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