

Weekend sewing and other projects

I am proud to say that I did manage to get a little bit of sewing done this weekend, even with the kids home for four days.  The wonderful thing about bigger kids is that they are usually pretty good at entertaining themselves, usually.  I'll admit I didn't get in as much sewing as I would have liked, but I don't know if that would ever be possible.

I finished binding and sewing on the flower centers on my baby quilt.  I made all of the centers out of a yellow print, added a small circle of batting and then hand stitched the onto the quilt.  I have to say, finishing this has only added to my desire to make more baby things.  I have been browsing through Anna Marie Horner's book Handmade Beginnings and I believe I want to make ever project!  I am going to start with the baby booties.  Too Cute.

I also managed to sneak in a few of these blocks for a Double Irish Chain Quilt.  A friend of mine, a really Great Friend, embroidered these shamrock centers for me.  They are perfect.  I have never been a big fan of the busy floral background print you sometimes see on the Irish Chain quilts.  These shamrocks are going to make this quilt.  Yeah! I only sewed up a few strips of the second block for this quilt.  It has many more pieces and will take more pinning.

Not only were the kids home for an extended weekend, but they all had projects due or tests to study for when they returned.  Jack had a poem about Giant Stingrays that needed to be finished up.  Mark had work due in AP Human Geography.  Emma had her revolutionary war hero project.  As per standard daughter protocol, Emma and I had to have an argument, which slowed things down.  (I do not know why I get drawn into arguments with a 10 year old! ) Emma did end up needing assistance with the hot glue gun, assistance I gladly gave.  Her project entailed decorating a canister as a revolutionary hero and adding items to the can to represent the character. Emma's revolutionary war hero was Molly Pitcher.  Her is her can.

 I will say this, she did manage to get several things out of the way herself, which was a miracle, while I brainstormed with Jack.  (ever tried to rhyme the word stingray?)  Painful, very painful.  After a quick email and phone conversation with dad, who thankfully has a better grasp of the English language than I(or is it me?)  Here is his final draft.

Giant stingrays are usually gray,
They live in the oceans, rivers and bays.
Close to the bottom they live and they stay.
On mollusks, worms and crustaceans they prey.

Large flat bodies with eyes high on their head.
Not made of bones but of cartilage instead.
Their long whip like tale is something to dread.
Almost as poisonous as snakebite, it’s said.

The eggs that are laid, hatched in the mother.
3 to 5 babies, sisters and brothers.
They must fight for themselves, not another.
Baby and dad, deadly as each other.

A mouth and 2 eyes are common features,
But because of its size, it’s a new creature,
14 feet long it’s bigger than teacher,
Hiding on bottom where you can’t reach her.

Endangered and hunted because of its size,
You better not hunt them if you are wise,
Future uncertain because they’re a prize,
Save them all before, we run out of tries .

 I don't know about you, but I am exhausted just reliving it all here! I am off to finally get a shower (shh don't tell. wink. wink;) 

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