

Flowers, Spring and Little Girls

Spring is definitely here in the south.  I am excited to see all of the beautiful bushes bursting with flowers. The birds are back.  Let me just say they are LOUD!  However, not as loud as the squirrels!  We have some very, very vocal squirrels.  Yesterday, I saw the redheaded woodpeckers who live behind us move back into their tree.

Warmer weather means all of the spring babies will be back!  I have seen at least 5 adult rabbits in the backyard.  Let's just hope they are smart enough to built their burrows far from Ginger's reach.  Dead baby bunnies, never fun.

This spring,  I learned that I will also be getting a new niece!  Yea!  It is always so much fun to have access to them yet, not be fully responsible for them.  Heehee.:)  With that said, I have been sewing up a few little gifts for my niece.  Since my sister's youngest is now 6 and her baby things are long gone.  I thought a few handmade gifts from Aunt Kristin was an absolute necessity.

Inspired by the flowers, spring and little girls, I sewed up this little pink sundress.  I think I have just enough fabric to make her sister a matching sundress.  How Cute would that be?  The pattern calls for a little lace and possibly ribbon, nothing that cannot be machine washed.   I am holding  back on that decision until I sew up her sister's dress.

I mentioned that this week I started taking an online curves class with Stitched In Color, yesterday's project fit right in with my baby sewing obsession,...BIBS.

These 2 little purple cuties were sewn up in a hurry.  Trying to keep my ever growing stash at bay I used up some princess flannel I had.  All little girls need princess bibs.  Just in case she doesn't like princesses, I thought I'd add a pretty purple flower bib to her collection.

  The curves were easy.  Honestly, the worst part was sewing on the snaps!  How I can manage to poke myself 5 times using a needle and thread I'll never know.  Next stop.  JoAnn's for some thimbles.  Do they make steel tipped thimbles for your thumbs?

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty little gift set! You could try velcro or pounded instead of sewn snaps if you like =). But, I'll admit, I admire you for sewing the snaps!
