

T-shirt quilt tear down

Recently, I was commissioned to make a t-shirt quilt.  Unlike the usual college, high school or sports t-shirt quilts this quilt was a Travel quilt.  A quilt full of t-shirts from places all over the world.  What a fantastic idea!

I have made many t-shirt quilts.  I am always surprised that very few of the people, I make quilts for, have any idea what they would like.  I usually get a comment something like, 'I don't care what it looks like.  I trust you."  or "You're the expert.  What ever you choose is fine."  This quilt was no exception. The only criteria I was given for this quilt was "we like the color blue."  I searched and searched for fabric, wanting something travel themed and something blue.  I finally settled on a Brown travel worded fabric and a blue tone on tone travel pictorial. I know they said they liked blue but the Brown was a nice contrast, and it did have blue words written on it.

My initial plan was to use the brown fabric for the front and the tone on tone for the backing and binding.  Once I had the t-shirts cut and fused I sashed them all together with the brown fabric.  I laid the quilt out over my long-arm machine and stood back to admire my work.  The only problem, I wasn't so sure it was pretty.  Now if I was making this for myself I probably would have left it.   However, since not one person in my house had a positive comment on the quilt, I knew I had to take drastic measures.

I laid out the quilt and sliced it apart.  GASP!   I know it was the first time I had taken a quilt apart quite like this.  It was the only way.  I knew I could not take the seam ripper to the t-shirt squares.  I have snagged t-shirts too many times to even consider this option.

I then went back to the drawing board.  I decided to leave the blocks framed by the  brown fabric and this time added a tone-on-tone fabric for the sashing.  (fortunately Just about this time a quilting companion of mine swooped in for a visit and helped me salvage this quilt).This time the quilt reviews were much, MUCH better.

The quilt heads out to the client today.  Hopefully their reviews will be one of Joy and Happiness!

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