

Squeezing-in some quilting time

I snuck in a little quilting time over the last few weeks.  I put this heart quilt on the frame over the week of Thanksgiving. I had a friend in town who wanted to see how my long-arm machine worked.  We did a little long arm quilting in between, catching up and visiting the sites around Columbia.  After she and her family left I finished up this heart quilt.  I started a swirled heart design for the border and then added feathers inside the strip blocks.  My feathers need some work but overall I was happy with how the quilt turned out.

The next quilt I put on the machine was this football quilt.  Believe it or not I was able to piece this quilt with only fabrics I had in my stash! I was in a rush to get this quilt out to it's recipient so I just quilted a basic meander.   Between running around with busy kids, and maintaining my status as super-mom I was super happy to get this quilt finished!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE those hearts you did! I might have to try that on a border of a quilt I am doing (even though it doesn't have hearts in it ;) )

    I LOVE the way the meander looks, cause it doesn't take away from the design!
