

An unfortunate curve

Things around here have been CRAZY!  Mama, of course, is smack dab in the middle of it all!  I did manage to finish up the top to my version of The Scallop Quilt.  I had so many problems with this pattern.  My biggest problem was that my curved blocks were all distorted.  I don't think one block came out square.

(sorry no picture at this point)

 I was getting very, very frustrated with it when I believe I discovered the cause.  Ironing.  I usually iron with steam, but with curves, at least this pattern, I had to turn off the steam.  I had forgotten how much the team stretches your fabric.  Ugh.  I really want to try another quilt using the same pattern now that I know what I am doing.

Unfortunately, I had a little rotary cutting "incident."  A new sharp blade, a new quilt pattern combined with wonderful fun conversation, and I got a little careless.  A little blood, 2 hours in Urgent Care and 3 stitches later and I'll be good as new!  So quilting is on the back burner for a few more days. :(

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