

picture this

Okay, my life has finally calmed down enough to up load some pictures of things I have been working on.  I told you about the scallop quilt in the last post, with promises of pictures.  Well here it is! 
My scallops are much less than perfect, so much so that this is as close as you are getting to the points on this quilt.  I used a print for the focus fabric, not liking it so much.  Next time I will definitely be using all solids.
Scallop Quilt

I have been working on this Twin bed t-shirt quilt for a client for the last 3 weeks, minus of course healing time for my hand injury. Which is healing, slowly, very slowly.  I won't bore you will all of the details but keeping in mind my past history of illness, we'll just say it didn't go as planed.


Just finished quilting
back of t-shirt quilt.

Finally, I am getting back to working on the quilts from the final two weeks of curves class.  Assuming I am able to keep all of my digits, I should be finished with those projects by mid-may. :)

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