

In a bind.

In the past 3 weeks I have pieced and quilted these three quilts.  I have yet to get around to binding them.  I am really pleased with the quilting.  The two OSU Quilts will be going into my etsy shop. The other, Jean's Diamonds will be going to my mom.
I quilted leaves and flowers over the surface of this quilt.  I tried to center the flowers over the diamonds. The quilt need movement.  As hesitant as I was to start the quilting, in the end it turned out great!
I added interest to the back, even though it will be a wall hanging. I love the strip of diamonds added to the back.
This quilt really stumped me for a while.  I had no pattern or real idea of what I wanted, I just started cutting and sewing.  I had a hard time deciding what size to make it.  Finally, I asked my son and he said, "It's the perfect size for a baby."  Indeed it was.  And what goes perfect for baby quilts.  Minkee!  I added a minkee backing and TA-DA.  I only wish I had known what a mess the Minkee pile makes when cut.  I had red fuzzies everywhere, still do.

I have limited experience with Minkee, so just to be safe I just meandered this quilt.  But let me tell you, it is so cuddly!  Everyone at my house is trying to claim this as theirs!

The finally quilt is one that I planned. (shocker, isn't it!)  It is a pretty straight forward OSU quilt.  I jazzed it up a little with the quilting.  I used stippling, my OHIO loops, leaves and vines and hook paisley.  I think this will keep someone nice and warm at a tailgating party!

Now if I can only get a few minutes to sit and bind.

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