

Bragging Rights

Here is my daughter (229) and her friends prior to her one mile run with the High School Cross Country Team.

You heard me, My Daughter.  Me.  The person who cannot go up to the mailbox and back without driving.  Don't get me wrong, back in my "athletic period"  I could run.  Okay, I would sprint.  Some of us are built for long distance, while others quite clearly are not.  I have friends who run.  I look at them and I am amazed.  Not just amazed but inspired to do so.  So I tried it.  And for a while, I ran.  Not a 10K or 5K or even a mile,  yet I was trying.  And then...I had a groin strain.  Not a comfy thing.  I iced my groin"( not fun) took meds and limped for a week. Thus ended my running career.

My Daughter IS a runner.  And she is amazing.  I am so in awe of her talent for running. She started running 5Ks at 6, yes as in 6 years old.  She loves to run.  She likes to win but she loves to run and it is AWESOME!  I am so proud and blissfully happy for her.  You go girl!

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