

When do you have the time?

With any trip in the car for long periods of time I have to have something to do (besides sleep!) Our trip to Washington DC/ Williamsburg was no different. This time packed 4 projects. 2 projects too many! As with most crafty and creative people, my eyes are clearly bigger than my hands can work. I packed 2 hand applique quilt projects. Two!?! Can you believe it? I don't know where I thought we were driving to? Canada? Plus, I brought along 2 knitting projects! I don't know if John ever figured out why we needed that extra bag.

I was able to finish the two knitting projects. The first was a simple washcloth. Boring. So boring in fact, I didn't even take a picture of it. It's a washcloth, you know what those look like.

The second was this cute little shrug for Emma. I had intended to complete it for her birthday, yeah you know how that goes. I did however, finish it before we got home. Therefore I conclude, It still counts as a birthday gift, scary how my mind works. I digress.

The shrug was a cute little pattern called Heart Party by Jenny Williams. I have no idea what yarn I used, the ball bands being long gone. It is pink. I had it in my stash. I vaguely remember it being a silk and cotton blend. And most importantly I had enough to finish the pattern. Enough said.

I stumbled across this website called Petite Purls. They have some really adorable knitting patterns for kids. And if this pattern is any indication, they are quick to knit up with easy to follow directions. So, quick in fact, I decided to make another shrug for my niece. Shhh! don't tell. I probably am going to get way, way, way in over my head on this.

The pattern is basically knit up as a rectangle. The corners are then sewn together to make sleeves and then finished with ribbing and cute little bobbles.

1 comment:

  1. Adriana and I think that Emma looks like you in this photo. same smile, hair, eyes. :)
