

Still alive..

Yes we are back and still alive, but only just barely. Our family vacation to Williamsburg, VA and Washington, DC was a long. tiring and lots of fun. It is always amazing to me that I seem to need a vacation after returning from a vacation! Seriously, we did have a great time and we were all pumped full of history. And would you believe we even ran into one of the members of Mark's soccer team! It seems he and his family had the same idea we did!

We spent 3 days in Williamsburg, Va. I love the historical places where costumed interpreters share their knowledge and love of history with you. We braved the 100+ temperatures everyday, and the kids were real troopers. I was amazed at how much history they had already absorbed from school. They were like little personal computers.

While in the area we also spend a day at the Jamestown Settlement and Yorktown. So much history and so little time!

(Don't you just wish you had one of these at home! "I said Stop pestering your sister for the last time! To the stocks with you!" LOL)

After all that, we moved on to Washington, DC.

Unfortunately, the heat decided to move with us. Loaded with water, water and more water we persevered. I cannot tell you how much fun it was to hear "It's Hot! and I'm thirsty." every 10.5 seconds. Fortunately, the good people of the Washington Mall grounds crew were nice enough to set up sprinklers for the kids to run through as we moved from one location to another! It is an odd experience, to say the least, to watch your kids play in the sprinklers of the national mall.
We spent about 1/2 the time in a museum of one type or another just to avoid the sweltering heat. I even found time to enjoy some quilting in the Museum of American History. This beauty dates back to the early 1800's and is, of course, entirely hand pieced, appliqued and quilted. You would not believe the tiny stitches!

It seemed everyone found something to look at and enjoy!

While on Vacation we took time out to celebrate Emma's 9th Birthday! It was a very memorable experience. One I'm sure she will never forget! As if I needed more proof, she only confirmed this by saying, "I just realized, while sitting here with all of you, that Birthdays are made happier, not by the number of presents you get, or by the size of your party, but by who you celebrate it with! " Happy Birthday!

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