

Random Quilting

Now that I have my "new" machine, Emma has taken over the White. I may never get around to taking in to get repaired at this rate. Sigh.

This is a good thing, or so I keep telling myself. Emma has been wanting to use my sewing machine independently for at least a year. Last year we had a few sewing lessons. The awe factor disintegrated quickly and she was off onto something new. Now, once again she is ready to try sewing again. The problem that always seems to present itself to me is what to teach her. She always wants to make something, after all that is the fun part. I struggle with what is age appropriate. I want something that will keep her interest and yet not make her,or me, frustrated beyond belief.

I ran across this pattern online, as soon as I remember where I found it. It is a great pattern for beginners and for those of us who tend to have varying stitch lengths. She has taken off and now has taken over my sewing table. She has even added a foot stool to make her work environment more economical. Her father's Daughter for sure.

I on the other hand have been designing a new quilt. I am midway through the piecing the top. So far it is coming along nicely. Here is my rough sketch.

And a peek at the fabric I am using from my scraps. (You didn't think I really show it to you, Did you?)

We are off to the pool. With luck I'll have more pictures to share soon! Keep cool.

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