

End of the Year at Show

The end of school brought with it lots of additional clutter. School boxes filled with broken pencils, crayons and pens. Glue bottles that were all but empty and workbooks that were almost completed filled the recycle bind. Among the clutter and the trash that was brought home were several important notes, invitations and artwork. (All of the aforementioned buried among the garbage.) I hate throwing the artwork out and I hate storing it. With the amount of moving we do the paper just doesn't stand a chance. Many of the kids drawings I frame, but one only has enough wall space. Here is a little end of the year Art show for all to enjoy. (I really should make a calendar for next year with all of the art!)

Birdhouse-- Emma


Dragon and Baby--Emma

The Sea--Emma

Garfield (a study)--Jack


The Tree--Jack

The Drive--Mark

Math Art-- Emma


Myself without glasses--Emma

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