


Jack has been taking piano for 3 years now. Emma just started this year. Sadly, we only have a keyboard for them to play on. You can imagine how many times a day I have to listen to "I wish we had a piano." "When can we get a piano?" "I think we need a piano." and many, many variations of the same. Jack came home from lessons one day to show me his new piece. Imagine his surprise when he realized he could only play the first page of the piece because we didn't have enough keys! Well, it was definitely time to buy a piano. So after at least 6 months of searching, calling and visiting pianos we finally came upon one that both dad, his financial minded-self, and mom, her aesthetically pleasing minded-self could agree upon. This weekend John rounded up a crew of co-workers to help with the move and TA-DA! we have a piano. Jack and Emma are thrilled!

Mark, however, is not.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Our children had been playing for longer than 3 years before we bought a real piano, sadly. And NOW our teacher is insisting we upgrade to a grand, because of the complexity of the pieces that our children are playing! Argh!
