

I'm addicted!

Hi, I'm Kristin and I am an addict. I have only recently developed this addiction to tote making. I'll admit my fabric addiction has been a long running problem. Currently I have 3 new totes I have made. The teacher totes are completed for this year. I still feel the need to make more totes. I currently have two in process and cannot stop looking for new patterns. I see the damage done to my family, as I delay dinner to top stitch a handle or pocket. I know my kids are starving, as they tell me repeatedly, "WE'RE STARVING MOM! and "WHY DON'T WE HAVE ANY GOOD SNACKS?" and my favorite, "Aren't you done YET!" Yet, I cannot stop making totes.

Here are the three newest totes I have made. All made from the Grab Bag pattern on by designer Bonnie Kozowski. Aren't they just the bomb! I plan to give these to the youngest teachers as I feel they probably have less to tote around. The pattern is super simple. You can whip one out in about 1.5 - 2 hours. They are so stinking cute! I fear my addiction has no end in site. There are just so many great patterns out there! I'll admit. I am a tote addict. But really how bad can it get?

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