

New Projects

This week the kids were off for spring break. As a result I was unable to quilt or sew or in anyway use the my newly repaired sewing machine. I hope to remedy that come Monday morning. Even though I was not using my creative juices on sewing and quilting, my creativity (and patience) was put to use.

This week we started on the construction of our new tree house/play structure. The kids and I sat down and made a list of all the important features necessary to complete the tree house. I'll be the first to admit our ideas are grandiose.

Topping the list are zip-line, fire pole, chin-up bar, a complete house with door, ladder and basket on a pulley. It seems every day someone has another idea. Mark and I have been doing all of the labor, needless to say it is slow going. We did get a hand from Mark's friend on Wednesday and Thursday which enabled mom to play more of a supervisory roll.

So far we have an elevated platform. TA-DA!

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