

Busy, Boats and Boo-Boos

This spring can be summed up in one word. BUSY! We had more visitors last week, which was super exciting because it was Spring Break. We were able to lots of fun things and enjoy the warm spring sunshine.

Nothing says Spring more than getting out on our boat. The kids are always eager to get out and go on the boat. I think they asked for a little over 2 weeks before we were able to make it happen. Saturday, although considerably cooler than the rest of the week, we made it out for the first time. Despite the cooler temperatures and a water temperature of 50 degrees! the kids still wanted to swim. HA! We were able to convince them or at least ban them from hypothermia for most of the day. They did however take every opportunity to casually dip a hand, finger or foot into the cool lake. Everyone got a chance to drive the boat with dad/uncle John. From the Youngest....

To the Oldest!

Part of the added chaos of my week has been the increase in injuries. I suppose like everything else these things move in cycles. We move along merrily for a while then BAM just like that we seem to be at one office or another almost daily. I often joke with the pediatrician that we are there for our standing weekly appointment.

Last week while "officially" being a week off for the kids, mom had no such luck. When do we ever? We had dentist appointments, allergy appointments, and a visit to the optometrist's office for eye glass repair. If that were not enough Mark decided to break his pinkie, again, which served for a visit to the Urgent Care and the Orthopedics's office. He will be casted for 3 weeks and is not at all amused. Not to be left out, even Ginger threw in her two cents and ended up in the Vet's with a bladder infection and possible bladder stones. Mother's work is never done.

On the bright side, I have been able to get a considerable amount of reading and knitting done while waiting in various offices. I have completed all of the pieces of the sweater I have been working on and hope to get a chance to sew it up this weekend. I have read my way through 3 books by Laurie King. Starting with the Beekeepers Apprentice and working my way through the third in the series. For those of you who love Sherlock Holmes' books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle you will enjoy these just as much, if not more.

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