

The demise of a sweater vest

Look how much I was able to knit on George's Vest over the weekend!!  I really was able to get a lot done and I was so excited...until.

Yes. The dreaded until.  Until I laid it out just like in the photo above.  I thought to myself.."self.  That looks a little small for a 2T-3T."  And I answered, "yes, I do believe you are correct."  Just to be sure I measured it.  Yup.  I had made the 24 month size not the 2t-3t size.  UGH.  I guess that is what you get for casting on when you are watching a movie.

So, it was today with a heavy heart that watched the demise of a almost finished project.

I took it off the needles and started to rip-it.

And rip-it.


At least I was able to capture our last few moments together.  sigh.

Now, I think I'll find a nice one size fits all pattern. Perhaps a scarf.

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