

New Wall Art

I have been doing a bit of hand work lately.  Many of the pieces I have shared with you.  This piece I believe I shared part of it a while back.  It's the Quilt, Sew, Live, Breathe sewing machine cover from Generation Q Magazine.

Well it turns out I decided not to make it into a sewing machine cover and I turned it into a piece of wall art. Here is my finished version.  I chose not to do the entire picture in black and red like the original pattern but added a few of my own choices.

After I pressed, starched and trimmed it I played with lots of different color combinations.  In the end I settled for mostly the black, red and white.  I did mix it up a little bit throwing in a tiny piece of blue, pink, yellow and green to complement my stitches.

I picked up an 12 X 16" canvas at Joann Fabrics one day when I was out running errands, just incase.  Well it turned out that it was the perfect size for my new embroidery project.

Once my red and black border was in place I simply stapled the completed project to the canvas!  Just that easy.  Okay, not quite that easy.  I did have to do some calculations here and there.  The finished embroidery project measures 1.5 inches larger than the canvas.  So for all you math impaired that is 13.5 x 17.5".  I also temporarily taped the project to the canvas to make sure that it was centered the way I liked it.  I'll admit that the manual staple gun has never been my best friend so I did have to beat several of the staples into submission to get them into the frame.

Now comes the really hard part.. deciding where to hang it.

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