

Swirl-ly, Twirl-ly

Two nights ago I got the bug to quilt. I fired up my Long-arm, took a deep breath and jumped.  I have been fretting for weeks over how to quilt my Aunt Tony's quilt.  You may remember the post here.  When I get stuck I draw up a 'map' of the quilt and I photocopy it multiple times.  Once I have the photocopies proceeded to doodle quilting designs all over.

 This time it was very helpful in eliminating designs but not so helpful on choosing one. Desperate times my friends call for desperate measures.   Well, you may recall that my son declared the quilt looked like a giant eye, with the colors around the center representing the iris (at least in his mind's eye)  Throughout the weeks that the quilt hung on my quilting machine, Jack would insist that I quilt the quilt with swirls.  Swirls?  Really?

I hit the internet and starting looking for quilts done with swirls, curls, swizzles or other curvy type designs.  I began practicing them over and over and over, until I was satisfied I had a swirl that would work.  Then, yep, I went for it.

I have to say I am quite amazed that the swirls look so good.  Let me clarify.  I knew that the swirls would look good on the main body of the quilt. For some reason I got it stuck in my head that the borders needed to be a separate quilting pattern.  I am not sure where this idea came from but I was entirely wrong.  The allover swirls look fantastic and they do not take away from the quilt at all.  Yay.  So happy this quilt is behind me.

Sometimes it takes the mind of a child, or teen to make you step back and look at something from a fresh perspective. I am so glad I did!

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