


I have been playing with yarn these days.  I took a break from knitting for almost a year.  Then as long car trips for holidays took more of role in my crafting, I needed a more portable form of crafting.  Not that I didn't try to convince my husband that it was absolutely necessary that my sewing machine needed to travel with us. Heehee. :)

 I shared with you 2 projects already, the knit and felted stocking and the Sven Sweater.  Since the weather has gotten chillier I thought a hat would be a great thing to knit up, but then. I ran across the Calorimetry pattern on Knitty and well the rest as they say is history.  I knit up, not one but two of these great little headband/hats and are they ever cute!  The first I knit up in Cascade 220 heather gray.  It was a little plain.

When I started the second I needed a brighter cheerier yarn.  I started the second with Lion Brand Amazing in the Aurora color way.  I have to say this is my favorite.  I love the bright colors.  I even knit up a little rosette for the side using this tutorial, from Nicky Epstein.  Let me tell you, it makes the project!  Even my 12 year-old daughter wants to wear it.  Now that's a complement!

The pattern calls for a button to join the ends. The ends could just as easily be joined permanently with yarn.

 I had these cute buttons sitting in my button jar just begging to be used.  What a perfect finish.

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