

Lots of UFOs

Recently I have had an overwhelming flood of creativity.  I don't know if it is the cooler weather or what?  All I know is I cannot write down my ideas fast enough!  I have more UFOs than area 51! Ha!  The fact that I have started referring them as 'pile #1, 2, 3 and 4' is probably an indication I need to get organized (or sew faster.)

 First I have these little hooters to share.  They are in stage one of development far, far, FAR away from the completed idea.

Hmmm. maybe I'll start on these next?

Second I have this pile with these mason jars and lovely embroidered fabrics.

I could start on these. I am sure I could finish them in a couple of hours!

Third I have this pattern for a toddler bean bag from  I really have to get this done.  I know a little fella who is turning 2 soon.  I should definitely start on this next.

Forth I have those hexie flowers.  I just keep crankin' them out.  They haven't yet reveled what they would like to be.

Fifth I also have these sheets of red hexagons.  Which have suddenly declared they are to be stockings for Christmas.

Sixth, I have a pile of apple core blocks, okay partial blocks, which are destine to become an apple pie quilt.

oh, pie.  Wait maybe I have to reorder?  Without a doubt, pie is the next project. Hey, a girls got to eat.

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