

Slightly distracted

The distractions just keep coming.  I was up in my sewing room putting the finishing touches on the Buttercup Bags when I was struck with idea.  Minecraft.

Let me explain... My kidos were up in the sewing room on the computer playing Minecraft.  Have you heard of it?  If you haven't, I'll give you what I know.  It is an online computer game, although they can play it off line and on their tablets and ipods.  It keeps them busy for HOURS.  That's it.  That's what I know.  Sad really.

The game is set up in a 3D world where the players can build and create out of cubes.  There are people, if you call them that, called creepers, there are zombies, scarecrows and something called a 'Mooshroom?"  Ask a 13 y.o. they'll explain it.

The world of Minecraft is pixalated which makes turning it into a quilted item quite easily.  I know a few boys, and some girls who 'ooh and aah' over anything mindcraft.  So I dreamed up this block.
pick-ax block with top and bottom border

It's a pick-ax.  Exciting.
In the world of Minecraft you  use this handy dandy little tool to break through block, which in turn helps you build things.  Or something to that effect.
my sketches

I drew a tentative sketch on some paper and then transferred the design to graph paper. After that I cut up what seemed like 124 little 1.25 inch squares.  Tedious.  Why yes, it was.

1st half of journal cover.

I sewed them into rows and then into this beautiful block.  In hindsight I think I should have used more contrast between the pick ax block and the background.  C'est la Vie.

journal front cover

After I had the block sewn up I took it to my two youngest and asked, "Do you know what this is?"  Their reply was immediate.  "It's a pick-ax from Minecraft! That is so cool.  Can you make me one?"  Ah, those 5 little words that let mom know that for once you did it right.  Although they would never admit it outright.
journal back cover

I took the block and sewed it into a journal cover.  Sadly the block was a little bigger than the cover, but it works.

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