

Quilting for Butterflies.

We knew it wouldn't be long until I was back on my Long-arm. That day proved to be sooner than later when my Aunt Toni sent me this ....

She made this modern monstrosity (it's King Size) for my cousin, well first cousin once removed if we are getting technical. This quilt is the absolute BIGGEST quilt I can fit on my machine.  Seriously, one inch more and it would have been too big. It took all 12 feet of my machine to handle this big boy.

 I love the pattern. I have not seen this pattern before, every time I look at it I see something new.  The corner triangles remind me of butterflies and isn't spring just the perfect time for them.

This all over flower and leaf combo is one I use pretty regularly.  It is so rhythmic I tend to loose myself in it.  It has soft curves and sharp points, yet it flows just the same.  The curves and flow of the quilting complement the angles in the quilt top.

Initially I was just going to meander this quilt, because of it's size.  The more I looked at it the more the butterflies called to me.  They said, "we need flowers and leaves to rest on.  Won't you quilt us some?" So I did.  I am a sucker and I think I may be hearing things.

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