

I could Totally make that!

Do you ever see something and say, "I could TOTALLY make that!"  I do, nearly everyday now with the dawn of pintrest.  I find myself pinning nearly everything crafty.  Yet, rarely do I go back and to look it up.  Rarer still do I actually decide to make something from a pintrest board.  Well not today! (or er, this week.)  This week I jumped right up there on that Crafty bandwagon and made something.

As I told you in my last post I have been stockpiling teacher gifts, either for teacher appreciation week (may 6-10 for those of you who may not know) or for end of the year gifts.  I got tired of making the pouches and set out in search of something using an entirely different medium.  Paint!

I found this link to Personal Pizazz by Lindsey on pintrest.  Lindsey's designs are so adorable you cannot help but want to make them.  She obviously puts her heart and soul into each design.  So Stinkin' Cute!  Take a look and if you don't feel the need to whip one up yourself you are fortunate because Lindsey sells these from her blog.

Fortunately, I happened to have 2 --11X14in canvases just lying around in my sewing room.  I stumbled upon them at Walmart 2 for $7 (I think) and picked them up.  God only knows what I intended on doing with them.   So, there they were, collecting dust, getting moved from pile to pile, sad and lonely, well NO MORE.

I took both canvases and painted them with a coat of White Latex paint.  When that was dry I used a snack sized cup to draw circles at random.  I painted the circles a variety of colors blue, green, pink, yellow and purple.  After that coat dried I printed out some sheets with the names (properly spelled) in a font similar to what I intended to use.

For this size canvas I used a font Curlz with size of 140.  After measuring and re-measuring I drew a light pencil line where I wanted the text.  I used Black, fine point and medium point paint pen to draw the letters on each canvas.

Once the Black was dry I used a silver medium paint pen to put a few extra polka-dots around each large dot.  Now we're talkin'.

The final step in this process was Ribbon.  I purchased a few 'teacher-ish' ribbons from Hobby Lobby and used them.  I also added an assortment of other colors to brighten and fill the hanging ribbon.

TA-DA!  Teacher's Gifts a la Kristin.

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