


What wonderful weather we are having!  It has been in the high 70.  The breeze is warm and it is just cloudy enough to keep the hot sun at bay!  (Not to rub it in)  But it is Gorgeous!  The family took this weekend to explore some of the natural beauty around SC.  We gathered up the kiddo's,  forced them into the back seat of a small 4 door, and headed out.  We kept the drive short, for our sanity and found a very rustic trail in the Sumter National Forest.

Even though the weather was warm it was still very much winter in the forest.  We saw only a few squirrels and not much else.  Although that could be because of the 3 very loud children we had with us.

The trees were still barren, some still with withered brown leaves still hanging onto the branches.
There were a few signs of life such as lichen, mushrooms and moss.  That didn't stop us from having a wonderful hike.

With all of this wonderful color how can one not be inspired?!  You can't.  That is why I am entering my 9 color selections for Stitched in Color's and the Fat Quarter Shop's  Emerald Mosaic Contest.  These are my selections. If you would like to make your picks or just browse through the beautiful fabric selections of other's head over to Stitched in Color.

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