

A New Year

The family spent a week up north over the Holidays.  I am not sure why we end up going north in the winter but we do and boy is it COLD!  After living in the south for 7 years I am always surprised at how much colder it is!  I planned for cold weather, which was a good thing since we enjoyed a little snow while we were there.  The kids donned their ski pants, jackets, scarves and gloves to play what will probably be the only snow they will see this year.  The snow was beautiful.  It was even nicer to leave before the beautiful white snow turned icy and grey!

The nights here can still get chilly but the sun usually does a nice job warming up the days.  I wondered outside to enjoy the sunshine on New Year's Day, free from heavy coats, scarves and gloves.  Only a sweatshirt to keep the chill away.  I took time to enjoy the few animals that were out and about.  I drank my coffee and meandered around the yard taking in all of the signs that spring, yes SPRING!  is just around the corner.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered my Iris' are blooming!  WoW! 

All of the iris I have are gifts from another yard.  They were thinned out and replanted here.  The only problem,  they have never bloomed. Three years in the ground and nothing.  The green leaves peak out of the ground every year, teasing me.  Imagine my surprise when on New Years Day I should find one in full bloom!  Surprised as I was, I could not help thinking how appropriate it was.  A new year, a new bloom,  A flower opening to the sun.  Basking in the newness of the day, of the year and of endless possibilities.

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