

Best Date Night Ever

John and I try to schedule a date night at least once a month.  Just a time for the two of us to be together and enjoy a conversation without interruption. (crazy?) The boys are relatively unconcerned, usually indifferent about us leaving.  As long as they have TV, Video games and enough food to sustain them they are happy.  Emma on the other hand likes to put up a fight.  She hates being left here with her brothers.  It is not that they are mean, quite the contrary they cater to her more than I like.  She just wants something special to do.  She feels left out. She will complain, argue and cry every single time.

After a long, long week away last week John and I decided we would have a date night this past weekend.  We had several options available, the usual movie, dinner, shopping or music at the bar which were all okay with me.  Then on Wednesday evening I heard an advertisement for Hairspray the musical.  The performance dates were this weekend How perfect. We haven't been to a way off Broadway production in years.  The more I thought about it the more I realized this would something Emma would LOVE.

Emma is our performer.  Musicals are one of her favorite things. She loves drama, singing, and dancing. Hairspray just happens to be her new favorite.  After consulting with John we decided to include Emma in date night.

Saturday John and I announced we were going to have date night.  Emma of course highly objected.  5 minutes after the announcement Emma gets a phone call.  It was Daddy asking her out on a date with Mom and Dad.  She was beaming.  She spent the rest of the night planning her wardrobe, singing the hairspray songs and dancing around the house.

When we FINALLY got to the theater  she was in awe.  Everything was exciting, even the orchestra pit! She sat and sang along with every song, danced in her seat and shared secrets with Dad, it was so cute!  She compared every act to the movie and shared the differences.  When the final song in Act II came on, (You can't stop the beat)  she asked if it was wrong to stand up and dance in the isle!  With no one sitting behind us in the balcony she did just that!

On the way home she sat in the back seat bopping to the music only she could hear, and reliving the musical in her head.  Half asleep as we pulled into the driveway she said, "Thanks Mom and Dad.  This was the best Date night EVER!"

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