

needle case

Okay, so I am behind.  3 weeks behind.  "On what?" Well, I am glad you asked.  I signed up for Rachel's Handstitched Class in May.  When I signed up I thought I would have lots of free time to do hand work.  What was I thinking?  My summer has become increasingly busy.  Everyday I seem to be adding to things to my calendar.  How is that possible?  I am not sure.

I have been carrying around my supplies for 3 weeks, they even traveled with me to Utah, Montana and Wyoming!  Still the projects remained untouched.  Well No more!  I present my needle case,  My first completed Handstitiched  project.  (And the Crowd goes Wild!)  Yes, that is a lounge chair in the picture above.  I finished this project while at a water park with the kids!

What a cute little project.  I'll admit at first I was skeptical, "Why would anyone need one?"  I thought.  They are actually quite handy, as I have found out.  I have been toting around this case and the next project, hoping, praying that I get time to work on it.  Well, maybe in 3 more weeks. :)

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