

Organized..Well,sort of

Those who know me well, know that I have my own method for organizing. My husband who has known me for over 25 years is still not quite sure what that is exactly.  He and my daughter are the Organizers.  I try.  Really.  I do.  I just get swept up in the creative processes and WHAM!  I have a mess.

 I vowed this year to set up some new types of organization in my sewing space.  It is organized, in a way, which might or might not change daily.  In an attempt to hold up my end of the organizing deal I searched High and Low for ideas for craft room storage. One of the things I decided I needed was a shelf.  My work surface is small and I am constantly accumulating items, creating piles and moving them around.  A shelf nearby would give me more space, close at hand. This Week I found what I was looking for and got my shelf.

 I found an article in a quilting magazine that suggested using penny candy jars to sort small fabric scraps. I found these three at Target. Cute.  I don't plan on saving anything smaller than 2"X2" squares, but one never knows. Current the jars are divided into, Prints, Solids and White/Cream.

I found a dowel rod at Home Depot for all of 0.88 cents and now it has a place between the brackets.  I have the ribbon organized by size.  I need to paint the dowel black to match the brackets, but all things in time. The cute sign was a download I printed from and you can find that here.
She also has 2 other printable signs you can find here. (I think one says clip, stitch, press create and I am not remembering what the other says. Hop over and check it out.) I am thinking I should paint this frame black as well. Hmm?

I now have my Moment in Time Quilt Hanging, after only a year, to help remind me to live in the present and not worry about what's to come.  I am thinking about either hanging another small quilt in the empty space or getting some large letters that spell, QUILT or TCQ, and cover them with fabric.  I found a cute how-to over at mmcrafts. see here.

I am so pleased with how nicely this turned out.  I cannot wait to see if it helps me stay organized. Optimism at it's finest. 

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