

Feeling a little blue...and green...and...

This spring has certainly been crazy.  In February it was 80 degrees, In April the temp barely got higher than 70.  Now it has rained most of May.  While the weather has kept me guessing mother nature apparently has it all under control.  The flowers around my house are blooming and full of fragrance.

All of this color has gotten me in the mood for bright cheery colors to use in my quilts. Check out these fabulous blues and turquoises!  Aren't they just dreamy?
 All of these, along with some yellows, oranges, reds, pinks and purples, are just waiting to be cut into triangles for the Patchwork Prism Quilt -a-long.  If you are interested in a little more color check it out over at sweet diesel designs.

1 comment:

  1. One tip-starch, starch, starch. Starch before you cut, starch when pressing seams, say the words to it as it lays there! I'm using Best Press and starching the devil out of it. I didn't starch before cutting & I think it would have gone better if I had, I'm just handling it very carefully until I get the seam sewn, then starching it really, really well when I press my seam (I'm pressing my piece seams open, and row seams to the bottom as I assemble, just personal preference since I plan on straight line quilting on either side of seams). I also reduced my pattern 50%.
