

Beaver Block -- A tutorial

Okay!  For all of you Beaver Fans out there here is the tutorial for making my version of a Beaver Block.

This block finishes 12.5"X12.5".  All seams are .25 inches.

Fabric Choices::
I chose fabrics scraps from my stash this is what you will need:
Solid brown for Beaver Body & ears
Brown print for Tail
Light brown for belly
Black for nose/space between teeth
white for teeth
background fabric in color of your choice
You will need either small beads or buttons for eyes.

Out of Your Fabric Choices Cut:

1- 2.5"x 4.5"
2- 3"x3" (Cut in half/diagonally)

2- 2.5"x6.5"
2- 2.5"X4.5"
4- 3"x3" (cut in half diagonally)
1- 1.5"X2,5"
2 - 2"x2" --ears

2- 3"x3" (cut in half diagonally)
2- 2.5"x 2.5"
1- 2.5"X 6.5"

2- 3"x3" (Cut in half diagonally)
1- 2.5"x4.5"
1- 2.5X10.5

1- 1.5"x2.5"

2- 2.25X1.5"
1- .75"X 2.5"

For assembly:
Match 2 triangle pieces from background matching right sides together with 2 body triangles.  Sew forming 2 half Square triangles units. Press. Trim to 2.5"x2.5" squares.
Match 4 Body triangles right sides together with 4 belly triangles.  Sew forming 4 half square triangles units. Press. Trim to 2.5"x2.5" squares.
Match 2 body triangles right sides together with 2 tail triangles.  Sew forming 2 half square triangle units. Press. Trim to 2.5"x2.5" squares.
Match 1 tail triangle to 1 background triangle right sides together. Sew forming 1 half square triangle unit. Press. Trim to 2.5"x2.5" square

(Note: You will have 1 tail and 1 background triangle leftover).

Using 2"x2" body squares fold into prairie points.  Fold in half diagonally. Press. Fold in half diagonally again.  Press.

Take 2 half square triangles units with body and background and using seam ripper carefully pick stitches from center of seam.  Create an opening large enough to insert 1 prairie point in between the two triangles.  Pin, matching prairie point raw edges with raw edge of half square triangles.  Sew. Press open.  Creating ears.

For Teeth:
Sew 1 white rectangle to .75 black strip along long edge.  Press seam toward black.  Sew other white rectangle to opposite side of black.  Press seam toward black.  Trim unit to 2.5"x 2.5"

Sew teeth unit to nose and body 1.5'x2.5" pieces as shown above.  press. Completed unit should measure 2.5"X4.5"

Complete Beaver block by laying out all pieces and sewing into columns.  Then sew columns together.

For the bag I added a border around the block before quilting.

Quilt as desired.  Sew eyes on after quilting has been completed.  I quilted the tail slightly denser than the body. Feel free to add or embellish your block to your hearts content.  Some Ideas:  You could add yarn or embroidery as whiskers; use trapunto to make parts of the beaver puff out; or put  your beaver in front of a pond!  Have fun and play!

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