

Tickled Pink

This weekend I realized I had exactly 1 week left until my sister's baby shower!  EEK!  This wouldn't have been such a development had I not already planned on making both of her girls matching dresses.  After purchasing a pattern, cutting out, and ironing it I realized, I did not like that dress.  So, I started over.  I did a  quick Internet search for girls sundresses and turned up a bevy of patterns and tutorials. This one at PrudentBaby was my inspiration. I bookmarked a few ideas and set down to work.  That is right you heard me.  No pattern,  a few measurements and I just started cutting fabric.  I wasn't entirely sure this was a good plan, but I didn't have time to think it through.

I started by shirring a length of fabric.  This was my first experience with shirring and it was a blast!  I love that it hides all and any mistakes.  After this I decided the dress was not "twirl" worthy.  When you are 6 you want your dress to twirl.  I sat down once more and cut off the bottom of the dress and added a ruffle.  Twirls much better now.  A couple of straps and some trim.  TA-DA!  A dress worthy of a big sister. Let me just say that I have had this fabric for about 6 years and it feels great to finally use it!  I am just tickled pink!

Now on to the next dilemma.  Do I give the big sister her dress at the shower and the baby hers at the shower? this way she sees that she will match her baby sister (and have a gift to open).  OR  Do I give her the dress at the shower and not give the baby her's until she has officially arrived?  this way the big sister sees that the baby matches her?  Or does it matter to a 6 year old?

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