

A Day in The Sun

After a weekend of rain, clouds and wind Tuesday brought clear skies and lots of Sun!  While the temperature hovered in the 50's, the sun was enough to entice everyone outside.  I was certainly not the exception, I wanted out into that sunshine!  During my time outside I spotted a Hen and her chicks. What A beautiful spring site!

 I tried to be quite while I snapped a few photos.  This mother was certainly not going to let me get too close.

Aren't these Chicks precious!

Even with the best of intentions, I still managed to unnerve the mother.  She gathered her chicks up under her wings and took off back to the farm.

Okay. You have figured out that the hen and her chicks are not real.  They are so very cute!  I stitched these up from Anna Marie Horner's book Handmade Beginnings: 24 sewing projects to welcome baby.   They are made out of soft flannel fabric and are so cuddly!    The Mother hen has a strip of velcro under each wing.  The chick's wings are made out of the opposite side of the velcro. The chicks can easily hide when danger is afoot!  I couldn't resist making these for my nephew for Easter.  

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