

New Year

Happy New Year Everyone!
What a wonderful year 2011 was for me.  I thought I would take a look back at some of the happenings of this last year.

As always I ventured away from quilting briefly to whip up several other sewing projects. I made 8 pillows, 4 bags, 6 baskets and 1 ball.  All sold or given away.  All very satisfying projects

This year I made and quilted 14 quilts.  About half of those being commissioned work.  I made 2 new quilt patterns for my website Spooky Halloween and Jean's Diamonds.  I also joined a new group, South Carolina Binky Patrol, and made 2 charity quilts, a goal I plan to continue into the new year,

This year I quilted 12 quilts for others.  I learned a few new long arm patterns and quilted with flannel and minky for the first time. 

This year I was a finalist for The Transformation Challenge with my quilt, A moment of time.  This was my second entry into a judged competition.  It was very difficult for me to undertake but gave me some confidence for the next time.
I participated in 2 blog fabric swaps.  Increasing my scrap stash which will soon overtake my quilting table.

This leads me to my first resolution, re-organize my sewing room.  Nothing drastic.  Just a few new containers, a shelf and a couple of wash bins for batting storage.
I would like to visit a national quilt show this year.  This is not technically a resolution.  However, it has been 4 years since my last quilt show.
I am attempting a backwards approach to this years quilting.  What I mean to say is that I plan to do my holiday quilting in reverse order.  Starting with Christmas quilting in January, them moving to fall and so on.  We shall see if I stick to this.  I already have ideas for the first few months.  I am quite sure they will evolve, change as the year progresses.

I hope everyone has a great New Year and that 2012 leads to many happy quilt experiences.

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