

Knitting Review

I have been spending more time knitting recently.  I guess I needed a break from quilting, well that and it is hard to lug my sewing machine around to doctors offices and sports practices.  :)  Over Christmas break I knitted up this warm and snuggly ribbon scarf for my sisters birthday.

The yarn is a wonderful blend of mohair and silk.  The scarf is nice and warm as well as soft.  I would have kept it for myself had it not made me itch.  (wool allergy)  . I used the pattern Ruffled Lace Scarf  from Suzie Blackman.  This was a nice manageable pattern, paired with this yarn, I was reminded of the joys of knitting.

I purchased yarn for these ski head-wraps back in, oh I guess it was September, and just recently got around to stitching them up.  I thought they would make nice Christmas gifts for friends/family in the cooler climates.

The method used for the head-wraps is called Double knitting. Double knitting is just what it sounds like, you knit the front and the back at the same time.  This gives you a reversible image on the opposite side. I had never heard of double knitting before so I decided to give it a whirl.  The book Knit Hats! 15 cool patterns to keep you warm was a impulse purchase.  I believe I have acquired most of my patterns that way.  The most challenging thing with this type of knitting was the Gauge.  I am typically a loose knitter.  With this new method I wasn't sure, sometimes with a new process I knit tighter.  I went with the needles that were recommended.  Guess what?  Yep, still a loose knitter.  Apparently the method of knitting, for me anyway, does not make my stitches tighter.

Both of these head-wraps were knit with the same number of stitches.  The larger one was knit on a size 6 needle and the smaller on a size 4.  What a difference!  The wrap knit on a size 4 is 2 inches smaller than the other.  The wrap knitted on the size 6 is Okay. I just wasn't as impressed with the end result as I wanted to be, hence the remake.  The larger wrap still works fine, better actually for larger heads.  Double knitting tends to S-T-R-E-T-C-H!  a ton.  The fact that the larger wrap is, well larger, coupled with the extra stretch give the wearer a looser garment.  The smaller wrap still stretches definitely looks better to me and it wears tighter.  I guess it just depends on your preference.

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