

Cookie Party?

This week Emma decided to have a last minute cookie party for her and a few friends.  Always the social butterfly she wanted to invite everyone she knew.  I limited the number to 6, and even then I wasn't sure I would have enough to keep everyone busy.  I prepared the Gingerbread houses a head of time, whipped up a couple of batches of cookie dough to chill, purchased a few Christmas crafts and dug out a few cookie recipes I thought I could manage with 7 girls. Never the one to go overboard(HA), Emma and I whipped up some homemade cocoa mix, complete with hand made tags to send home with her friends.

With John working, I gave each of the boys assignments for assisting me with party.

Wouldn't you know that as soon as the pre-teen girls started showing up my assistants disappeared! Fortunately I only ended up with a total of 4 girls.  Thank heavens for even numbers.

That didn't stop the girls from getting to work, after all "duh" they are in 4th grade.  Everyone donned an apron and took turns decorating the Gingerbread houses. They filled their faces with candy and made sugar cookie cut-outs.  After 45 minutes of baking and decorating.  They were done.  Seriously, they were done.  They took off to play, leaving Jack and I to finish the cookies. And Mom to clean up the mess, as if that wasn't a given.

  I did manage to corral them for about 5 minutes.  Just long enough to decorated a few cookies, stuff their faces, roll their eyes at me and glare at the camera. Ah, pre-teens,  don't they just put the "Merry" in Merry Christmas.

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