

baseball quilt announcement

It's the bottom of the 6th inning.  There is a runner on first.   Stepping up to bat for the Team Quilt is Kristin.  This 20 something quilter from South Carolina, is quite a little powerhouse. Her last at bat was a pop fly that still remains a UFO.  She seems confident as she steps to the plate. I believe I have seen that look of concentration before.  She's looking dangerous now folks. Here's the wind up, the pitch and.. It's a strike.  Kristin steps back, shakes it off.  This quilter is looking for a fight,  I don't think I have seen that look since the 2009 season, when she was just a rookie.  She lines up for the next pitch and ... Strike 2.  This is very surprising.  I thought for sure with that look she was going to make something happen.   Don't worry fans it's not over yet, I have seen her come back from much worse.  She takes her stance once more.  The pitcher winds up and it's a hit..IT'S going BACK, WAY BACK..

This one looks like it is... Gone!

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