

Inspiration Has Struck

Remember this Quilt?

I started it way back in April, maybe March. I got this far and then I stalled out of ideas.  I also became involved with a ton of other projects.  I posted this picture and asked for suggestions.  I got a great idea from Camilla who suggested the use of Gray solid.  That idea got wedged into my quilting psyche and stuck there.  When I picked up the quit to finish the border, the gray was the first thing to go on.  Another  suggestion I received, was to carry the diamonds into the border.  At first I wasn't sure if this would work with the gray, that now I had to have, so I started to play around with it a little.  I finally came up with this block.

I decided to add a white and gray border with a few scattered diamonds carried off onto the borders.  The only problem this created was that I knew I would have to miter the corners.  I have tried several times to miter the corners of other quilts, only to end up with puckered corners.  This time I tried a new technique and it worked.  Yahoo.

I have to decide on a backing and purchase some white batting and we will be ready to quilt.