

2 Little Mittens for 1 Cute Kitten

Wow!  Where has this summer gone?  Just when I think I have a handle on it, BOOM, someone throws me another curve ball.  In-between running, running and more running I have had a few, I'll be it very few, minutes to do a little knitting.

I knit up this hat several months ago and I wanted to knit up mittens to match.  I couldn't find a pattern that matched so I came up with my own.  Using the Knitters handy book of pattern, standard mitten formula I came up with these cuties.

I have to say they make a cute set.  I added the white stripe just before the gusset increases.  Then I took the large heart from the hat pattern and added it between the cast off for the thumb and the decrease for the mitten top.

Hopefully these will keep one cute little Kitten warm this winter, assuming of course that she doesn't loose them.

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