

A Moment of my Time

I have been steadily chugging away on my clock quilt.  I have to say bringing this design into fruition is much more difficult than I would have ever imagined.  I worked on and off pretty consistently over 3 or 4 days.  I was excited by my progression.  I used the piec-lique technique by Sharon Schamber that I used for the space ship quilt.   This technique is simply unbeatable for appliqueing circles.

I love it! For the Roman Numerals I used a basic satin stitch to cover the lines I had drawn.  When I got to the Arabic Numbers I ran into some problems.  I had planed on Free Motion Quilting around the numbers. Yet, when I practiced the quilting around the numbers, I was disappointed with the result.  I thought about using fabric paints to help them stand out but ultimately passed on that idea.  I tried using fusible webbing to attach the numbers but the pieces were so small I couldn't get them to remain fused while I quilted over them.    Thinking that I needed more stabilization, I fused interfacing on the back of the quilt.  I am not sure if it was the late hour or the fact that I was having difficulty fusing the interfacing but  I left the iron on the fabric a tad to long.  I did however end up with a lovely burned piece of muslin.

 It was at this point that I realized I was not listening to my own advice.  I had become wrapped up in the end result, so much so that I was not enjoying the process, the Moment.  I put the quilt away for several days and we are now on speaking terms once again.  Now I just have to decide how to quilt it.

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