

Emma's Dance Recital

This year Emma took Dance and Cheerleading as an after school activity.  At the beginning of the year she was incredibly excited about Cheerleading, but has now found it quite restricting.  She has tried many different things and she keeps saying, "I want to Dance."  I have been impressed that she has been willing to tryout new sports, and even more impressed that she certainly knows what she wants.  I have heard over the past 3 years. "I want to take Hip-Hop!"  I was hoping this class would introduce enough Hip-hop to satisfy her desire to learn.  Sadly it did not.  She appeared to have fun and did make many new friends.  Here dance recital was this past weekend and she did great!

She also received her very first trophy, which was really the reason she wanted to dance in the recital. Go Emma.

She performed both a cheer and dance number with her school class and with the entire dance and cheer program.  She rocked!  For those family and friends who are members of my flicker group Here is a sample!  Enjoy.

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