

Bags of fun?

The Wedding Of The Year is fast approaching.  I am burning the midnight oil finishing up a few last minute projects.  I have 2 pairs of pants to hem still and quite a bit of  packing to do.  However, I can now see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Inspired buy a wedding I was at once,  I decided to make the bridesmaids little handbags for the wedding.   It wasn't until I was knee deep in fabric circles that I realized there are 7 bridesmaids!  I must have been having a small stroke at the time I made this decision.  Fortunately it was a very easy sewing project compared to the dresses.  I finished up the bags yesterday!  WooHoo!

I made these 7 bags out of the leftover dress fabric and lining.  I added twisted rope handles, one on each side of the bag.  I didn't get real fancy with the embellishments.  I added a bow and a melted ribbon rose for each bag.

Emma decided that the bags also served a dual purpose of acting as a nightcap when opened and inverted.
What a ham.

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